PARI Policy Briefs
Traveling through time Chris Chabot, on Flickr
The Policy Brief series succinctly describes pros and cons of policy alternatives for various policy issues, based on evidence from research here at the PARI and other collaborating departments at UTokyo. We will continue to provide perspectives on important, pressing policy topics.
Toward a sustainable electricity policy in Myanmar: Recommendations for policy makers and development partners
March 22, 2018
Full Text
Daniel del Barrio-Alvarez (The University of Tokyo)
Masahiro Sugiyama (The University of Tokyo)
Rebuilding Global Health Governance -Recommendations for the G7
May 13, 2016
Abstract (Policy Recommendation) (Japanese) Full Text
Hideaki Shiroyama (The University of Tokyo)
Yasushi Katsuma (Waseda University)
Makiko Matsuo (The University of Tokyo)
Complex Risk Governance Policy Research Unit