Japan Global Health Working Group , Protecting human security: proposals for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit in Japan, the Lancet, Health Policy, Volume 387, No. 10033, pp.2155–2162 (Hideaki Shiroyama, Makiko MatsuoはJapan Global Health Working Groupの共著メンバー)、2016、査読有
Atsuo Kishimoto, “Impacts on public attitudes and institutional changes in Japan as a result of five nuclear accidents”, in Balleisen, E., Bennear, L., Krawiec, K. and Wiener, J. B. eds. Policy Shock: Regulatory Responses to Oil Spills, Nuclear Accidents, and Financial Crashes. Cambridge University Press, 2016, 査読無
Satoru Mizuguchi, Kyoko Ohta, PJ Beers, Michiko Yamaguchi and Toshiaki Nishimura, “Interactions among Multiple Niche-Innovations and Multi-Regimes: The Case of the ‘Welfare Mall’ in Higashi-Ohmi”, in Julia Wittmayer, Derk Loorbach, Satoru Mizuguchi and Hideaki Shiroyama (eds), Urban Governance to Sustainable Development, Springer, 2015, 査読無
松尾真紀子、岸本充生、立川雅司「食品中の放射性物質のリスクを巡る共同事実確認(JFF)の実践(Joint Fact-Finding (JFF) of the Risk of Radionuclides in Foods)」『日本リスク研究学会誌』25(2)、pp.1-9、2015、査読有
Kishimoto Atsuo
Matsuo Makiko
Hideaki Shiroyama, Makiko Matsuo, Masaru Yarime (2015), Issues and Policy Measures for Phosphorus Recycling from Sewage: Lessons from Stakeholder Analysis of Japan in Special Issue on Sustainable Use of Phosphorus in Asia, Global Environmental Research, Vol.19, No.1, pp.67-76, 2015, 査読有
Shiroyama Hideaki
Matsuo Makiko
松尾真紀子、湊隆幸、城山英明「食品安全の国際基準策定における「科学」と「科学以外の要素」の位置づけの再考(The Determinants of International Food Safety Standard Science and Factors Other than Science Revisited)」『日本リスク研究学会誌』25(1)、pp.9-18、2015、査読有
Hideaki Shiroyama,”Nuclear Safety Regulation in Japan and Impacts of the Fukushima Daiichi Accident”, Joonhong Ahn, Cathryn Carson, Mikael Jensen, Kohta Juraku, Shinya Nagasaki, Satoru Tanaka, eds., Reflections on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident: Toward Social-Scientific Literacy and Engineering Resilience, Springer, pp.283-296, 2015, 査読有
Shiroyama Hideaki
Ema, M., Hougaard, K. S., Kishimoto, A. and Honda, K. Reproductive and developmental toxicity of carbon-based nanomaterials: A literature review. Nanotoxicology 16, pp.1-22,2015
Kishimoto Atsuo
Nakanishi, J., Morimoto, Y., Ogura, I., Kobayashi, N., Naya, M., Ema, M., EndohNakanishi, J., Morimoto, Y., Ogura, I., Kobayashi, N., Naya, M., Ema, M., Endoh, S., Shimada, M., Ogami, A., Myojyo, T., Oyabu, T., Gamo, M., Kishimoto, A., Igarashi, T. and Hanai, S. Risk Assessment of the Carbon Nanotube Group. Risk Analysis 35(10) ,pp.1940-56,2015
Makiko Matsuo, Hiroshi Yoshikura, “Zero in Terms of Food Policy and Risk Perception”, Food Policy, Vol.45, pp.132-137, 2014 , 査読有
Matsuo Makiko
佐藤隼、佐藤俊秀、仲川祐司、林志洋、松本頌、城山英明、松尾真紀子、鎗目雅「国内下水道からのリサイクルリン普及の課題(Challenges in the Diffusion of Recycled Phosphorus from Sewage System in Japan)」社会技術研究論文集 Vol.11、 April 2014、pp.108-118、査読有
Shiroyama Hideaki
Matsuo Makiko
Masaru Yarime, Cynthia Carliell-Marquet, Deborah T. Hellums, Yuliya Kalmykova, Daniel J. Lang, Quang Bao Le, Dianne Malley, Leo S. Morf, Kazuyo Matsubae, Makiko Matsuo, Hisao Ohtake, Alan Omlin, Sebastian Petzet, Roland W. Scholz, Hideaki Shiroyama, Andrea E. Ulrich, and Paul Watts, Chapter 6 Dissipation and Recycling: What losses, what dissipation impacts, and what recycling options? in Sustainable Phosphorus Management, Springer Publishing, pp.247-274, 2014
松尾真紀子「将来ビジョンの描き方−フォーサイト:レジリエンス概念からの示唆とガバナンスの検討(Shaping the Future Vision – the Activity of Foresight: Implications arising from the concept of resilience and the analysis of governance structure)」『研究技術計画』 Vol.28、No2、 pp.175-184、 2013
Matsuo Makiko
松尾真紀子「日本の食品安全ガバナンスのこれまでとこれから−制度設計からの考察(Retrospection and Prospection Concerning the Japanese food safety Governance from an Institutional Analysis)『日本リスク研究学会誌』第23巻、pp.127-135, 2013
Matsuo Makiko
Makiko Matsuo “Restructuring Japanese Food Safety Governance: Institutional Changes and Future Challenges”, The European Food and Feed Law Review, Vol. 8 No.4 pp. 250-258, 2013
Matsuo Makiko
岡田祥宏・松尾真紀子「食品安全行政におけるリスクコミュニケーション調整機能とその体制(Institutionalization of “Coordinating Function” for Risk Communication in Food Safety Governance)」『日本リスク研究学会誌』第22巻、第4号、2012年冬号、pp.219-228, 2012