Past Events



Asian Intellectual Property Conference

[Date] Thurdsay, November 12
[Venue]Shiran Kaikan, Yamauchi Hall, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
[Organizer]Intellectual Property Association of Japan (IPAJ), The University of Tokyo, Kyoto University
[Sponsor]Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
[Support]Japan Patent Office
[Discussion Points]-Recognize closer linkages between academia and industrial activities
-Exchange experiences of handling university technology
-Discussing harmonization of the rules of university/industry collaboration including "Grace Period"
-Policy dialog with the commissioners from US, EU and Japan
-Proposed world Intellectual Property Conference establishment
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PARI First Anniversary Forum

[Date] Wednesday, October 28
[Venue]Main Hall, Faculty of Engineering Bldg.2, The University of Tokyo
[Hosted by] UTokyo Policy Alternatives Research Institute
[Abstracts]We reported our 7 units activity, and we discussed what our institute or university have to play a role resolve the policy issues for our society and what we can deal with these issues.

Japan-Sweden Conference on 'Challenges and Opportunities in Aging Society'

[Date] Wednesday, October 7
[Venue]Yasuda Auditorium, Hongo Campus
[Hosted by] The University of Tokyo, VINNOVA, FAS, The Vrdal Foundation
[Special Sponsor] Nippon Life Insurance Company
[Sponsored-by] The Asahi Shimbun Company, Embassy of Sweden, Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis

Towards a Northeast Asian Security Architecture

[Date] Saturday, July 4
[Venue]The University of Tokyo Fukutake Hall
[Hosted by]UTokyo Policy Alternatives Research Institute
[Co-hosted by]Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo
[Abstracts]The new momentum on security in Northeast Asia with the inauguration of the Obama administration has already faced its first set of crisis with North Korea's recent nuclear tests. As a result, a series of questions concerning Northeast Asian security cooperation must be raised. What scenarios and outcomes are possible given the state of current events in Northeast Asia?
The Policy Alternatives Research Institute(PARI) has started a joint research project in partnership with the University of California and Yonsei University. As part of this new initiative, PARI has launched this inaugural forum to stimulate further discussion on these critical issues and open to the public the expertise gathered for this purpose.
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National Innovation System, Competition and Cooperation
-The Patent System in Next Generation-

[Dates] Thurdsay, June 11, 9:45-17:35
[Venue]Kyoto University, Clock Tower Centennial Hall
[Hosted by]The University of Tokyo (Policy Alternatives Research Center), Kyoto University
[Co-hosted by]NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization)
[Supported by]Innovation Network Japan Council Kyoto Industrial Association
[Outcomes] We summarized the 15 messages for the Patent System to innovate our future.
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Past Events

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