Policy Thinknet Research Demonstration Project: Collaboration with Other Research Universities



With the increasing pace and dynamism of social change today, pressing social issues must be analyzed and policy alternatives must be proposed based on academic evidence. The Policy Thinknet Project establishes and supports policy research projects in collaboration with other research universities and enhances dialogue with policymaking stakeholders by investigating and developing policy options to address social issues.


First, we analytically visualize pressing social issues and then develop a collaborative inter-university research network to tackle them. We also design support mechanisms for this. Second, we create a new type of media to serve as a forum for dialogue with diverse stakeholders and experts. By gathering together academic research evidence, practical policy discussions are stimulated among a wide range of players in society. Third, the Policy Thinknet Project also has an advisory board with representatives from business, academia, and government who read our policy proposals. Each policy research project is done as a collaboration bringing together researchers from different faculties, different universities, and different countries.

Policy Thinknet Project Official Website (Japanese)


  • Hideaki Shiroyama (Director and Professor, Policy Alternatives Research Institute / Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy / Graduate Schools for Law and Politics)


  • Ichiro Sakata (Professor, Policy Alternatives Research Institute / Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo)
  • Taketoshi Taniguchi (Professor, Policy Alternatives Research Institute)
  • Toshiya Watanabe (Vice Director and Professor, Policy Alternative Research Institute)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki (Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, the University of Tokyo)
  • Makiko Matsuo (Project Assistant Professor, Policy Alternatives Research Institute / Graduate School of Public Policy)
  • Kyoko Ohta (Lecturer, Faculty of Law and Letters, Ehime University / Visiting Researcher, Graduate School of Public Policy, the University of Tokyo)
  • Masayoshi Fujita (Visiting Researcher, Policy Alternative Research Institute)