Date and time: 3rd February (Fri), 2017 10:00-12:45
Venue: The University of Tokyo, The Daiwa Ubiquitous Computing Research Building
Language: English (English Japanese interpretation will be provided)
Advance registration is recessary:
*We will close the registration once the registered number reaches max number of attendees.
Sponsored by:
JST OPERA(JST産学共創プラットフォーム共同研究推進プログラム(OPERA)「ゲノム編集」産学共創コンソーシアム)
Policy Alternatives Research Institute, the University of Tokyo (Technology Governance Policy Research Unit, Complex Risk Governance and Public Policy Unit)
Research project for Genomics-based Technology for Agricultural Improvement
GRA (GMO-Risk Analysis)
Science, Technology, and Innovation Governance (STIG), the University of Tokyo