Digital Forensic is techniques to assure admissible and credible digital data. In process of computerization of healthcare, secure storage and maintenance of digital data, assurance of credibility, data security and secondly use of data is getting to be important issue. Digital forensic has a possibility to contribute to these issues. Secure digital data makes possible to improve communication between patient and physicians, transparency and trust to healthcare workers. In this session, we discuss possibility of application of digital forensic to healthcare field, legal issues, advantages of introduction among various stake holders. At first, we investigate basic concept of digital forensic and application in other fields. Second issue is computerization of social security field and privacy protection in the field. Then, our discussion will focus on legal issues with introducing digital forensic in healthcare field. At last, we clarify roles of digital forensic to computerization of healthcare field. Digital forensic has a possibility to be a basic infrastructure for building trust between citizen and providers.