
東京大学政策政策ビジョン研究センター・国際エネルギー分析と政策研究ユニットでは、エネルギー政策研究を担当する特任助教または特任研究員を募集します。 東京大学政策ビジョン研究センターは、東京大学に蓄積された様々な先端的な研究知見を統合することで新たな政策の選択肢を提案し、未来の社会とグローバル・コミュニティへ広く貢献するために設立された全学センターです。 国際エネルギー分析と政策研究ユニットは、ASEANと東アジアのエネルギー政策について研究を行い、エネルギー消費が経済成長とともに大幅に伸びているASEANを主な対象として、独自のエネルギー政策分析や様々なステークホルダーに対して適切なアウトリーチを実施することを目指しています。 現在は、ミャンマーのエネルギー・アクセス問題(エネルギー貧困問題)について取り組んでいます。
業務内容ASEANやアジア各国を対象にしたエネルギー政策研究、特にマイクログリッドや分散電源・貯蔵などの萌芽技術も含んだエネルギー・アクセス問題に関するもの。 政策のアウトリーチ活動およびステークホルダーとの意見交換・調整(それに伴うASEAN各国への出張(特にミャンマー)を含む)。 また、業務にはプログラムマネジメントも含む。
  1. 政策ビジョン研究センターの活動に積極的に貢献する意欲のある方
  2. 博士号取得者、またはそれと同等の知識と経験を有する方
  3. エネルギー経済学、エネルギー政策(定量的分析)、またはエネルギー・システム分析の研究・教育の経験を有する方
  4. 国際的・分野横断的な状況で研究を行うことのできる英語能力を有する方(英語が公用語である大学や研究機関等で2年間以上の研究員または研究補助員の経験、または以下のいずれかを有する方:TOEICスコア930以上、英検1級、TOEFL(iBT)100点以上、国連英検A級以上)
  1. 東京大学の教員として期待される教育スキルを含む見識と能力を有する方
  2. 国際会議のパネルの司会を務めることのできる英語コミュニケーション能力を有する方
  1. 履歴書 ※本学様式を下記URLよりダウンロードの上作成のこと。
  2. 応募者について照会できる方2名の氏名と連絡先
  3. 研究業績一覧(論文・著書・参加プロジェクト・学会活動・教育実績・受賞等を含む)
  4. 研究・教育活動の概要(英文1000単語まで)
  1. 志望動機(業務内容と応募要件に関連した英文1000単語程度)
  2. 3編の主要論文別刷り(コピー可)
  1. 3編以内の主要論文別刷り(コピー可)
※採用時に最終学歴の確認できる書類を提出いただきます。 応募書類は原則として返却いたしませんので予めご了承ください。
東京大学政策ビジョン研究センター 特任教授 芳川恒志
東京大学政策ビジョン研究センター 助手 小林範子
書類送付先〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 東京大学政策ビジョン研究センター ※封筒の表に「応募書類在中」と朱書きの上、簡易書留または国際宅配便にて送付してください。

Project Assistant Professor or Project Researcher
Policy Alternatives Research Institute, The University of Tokyo

Job Description

1. Title Project Assistant Professor or Project Researcher
2. Number of positions One
3. Department Policy Alternatives Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
4. Location 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo (The University of Tokyo Hongo Campus)
5. Description The Policy Alternatives Research Institute (PARI) of The University of Tokyo is seeking either a Project Assistant Professor or Project Researcher at the Global Energy Policy and East Asia Research Unit of PARI. In addition to the promotion of energy policy research and education initiatives of PARI, the position also entails administrative responsibility for program management.
UTokyo Policy Alternatives Research Institute is an interfaculty research organization established to contribute widely to the future society and the global community by proposing new policy alternatives through an integration of the varied and advanced knowledge accumulated at the University of Tokyo. The Global Energy Policy and East Asia Research Unit at PARI focuses on energy policy issues in the ASEAN and East Asian regions. The Unit aims at producing independent policy analyses on energy issues and providing tailored outreach for various stakeholders in the ASEAN, where energy consumption is growing rapidly along with rapid economic growth. The Unit is currently engaged in the issue of energy access in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
6. Responsibilities Energy policy research in ASEAN and Asian countries, particularly on energy access issues, including the role of emerging technologies such as microgrids and distributed generation and storage. Policy outreach and dialogues with stakeholders, including frequent visits to the ASEAN countries (particularly the Republic of the Union of Myanmar).
7. Qualifications Common to all positions:
  1. A highly motivated person who will contribute significantly to PARI activities
  2. An excellent Ph.D. record, or its equivalent in terms of knowledge and experience
  3. Research and educational experience in energy economics, energy policy (quantitative analysis), and/or energy systems analysis
  4. English-language proficiency and capability to conduct research in an international, interdisciplinary setting (EITHER academic experience of two or more years as a researcher or research assistant of a university, research institute or similar institute where English is used as a common language, OR one of the following: TOEIC score of 930 or above, EIKEN Grade 1, TOEFL (iBT) score of 100 or above, or United Nations Association’s Test of English Grade A or above)
Position-specific qualifications:
Project Assistant Professor:
  1. Demonstrated judgment and competency including excellent teaching skills expected of faculty members of the University of Tokyo
  2. Candidates should possess excellent English communication skills to successfully chair international conference panels
8. Application
Applications must be received no later than July 6, 2015 by postal mail
9. Start Date The preferred start date is September 1, 2015 (negotiable with the Institute).
10. Employment
Until June 30, 2017, with a possibility of renewal until June 30, 2018, depending on performance and budget
11. Salary & Benefits In accordance with The University of Tokyo regulations
12. Application
Common to both positions:
  1. CV/Resume
  2. * Applicants must use the University's resume format, which can be downloaded at
    Proof of credentials should be attached (photocopies are sufficient).

  3. Transcripts of doctoral and master degrees
  4. (the original documents issued by the university office with seal/signature, not copies of diplomas)

  5. Names and contact information of two professional references
  6. List of academic activities (including lists of publications, sponsored projects, contribution to academic society, teaching experience etc.)
  7. Description of research and educational activities (no more than 1000 words)
Documents specific to the position of Project Assistant Professor:
  1. Statement of intent (regarding job responsibilities and requirements) (approximately 1000 words)
  2. 3 selected article reprints (photocopies are sufficient)
Documents specific to the position of Project Researcher:
  1. Up to 3 reprints of your selected articles (photocopies are sufficient)
* Unless specified, application documents have no designated format or page length other than A4 size.
* Transcripts of doctoral and master degrees (the original documents issued by the university office with seal/signature, not copies of diplomas) will be required at the time of hiring.
13. Selection Process Selection will be made by the selection committee. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed through Skype or teleconference.
14. Notification The selection result will be individually notified.
15. Inquiries For information about the position:
Prof. Hisashi Yoshikawa, Policy Alternatives Research Institute (PARI), The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunko-ku, Tokyo, Japan 113-0033

For information about application procedures:
Noriko Kobayashi, Policy Alternatives Research Institute (PARI), The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunko-ku, Tokyo, Japan 113-0033
16. Where to submit
application documents
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunko-ku, Tokyo, Japan 113-0033
Policy Alternatives Research Institute (PARI), The University of Tokyo
* All application materials should be sent via registered mail or courier service.
17. Additional info.The applications are not returnable for any reason.
Personal information received through this application process will not be used for any other purposes.
The University of Tokyo is committed to gender equality in hiring.