The 3rd Biomedical Innovation Workshop 2012

The 3rd Biomedical Innovation Workshop 2012 Report
Biomedical Innovation Workshop 2012

Healthcare and Innovation

- What are the drivers for innovation? -

This and our next workshop target incentives for stakeholders in biomedical innovation. Our aim is to detect priorities in such incentives. The present workshop deals mainly with incentives for manufacturers, the next with incentives for medical practitioners, especially physicians.

The “5-year strategy for biomedical innovation,” published on June 6, 2012, includes comprehensive support policies for innovation in biomedical fields. For example, it highlights the need for sufficient funding in the research and development of medical products, and calls for proper support for start-up companies, the establishment of efficient sites for clinical trials and research, the discovery of new markets (including in Asia), more intelligent regulation and expanded incentives for innovation. With such complex issues to be addressed, we ask: What are the keys to the realization of biomedical innovation, given the diversity of stakeholders involved, each with different priorities and interests?

At this workshop, professionals in the biomedical field will join academics and researchers in frank debate, followed by a Q&A session.

[Date] Tuesday, November 17, 9:30-11:00 (Hall opens at 9:00)
[Venue]Seminar Room (3rd floor)
[Hosted by]UTokyo Policy Alternatives Research Institute (PARI)


9:00 --Registration--
9:30-9:40 --Opening Remarks--
Dr. Yoichiro MatsumotoProfessor, Graduate School of Engineering, and Executive Vice President, the University of Tokyo; Director of the Division for Promoting Biomedical Innovation at the Cabinet Secretariat
9:40-10:50 --Panel Discussion--
Okio OnishiProject Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, the University of Tokyo
Makoto Shiono, LL.M.Managing Director/Partner, Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. (IGPI)
Dr. Shintaro SengokuAssociate Professor, Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (WPI-iCeMS), Kyoto University, and iCeMS Innovation Management Group Leader
Ryozo HayashiVisiting Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, the University of Tokyo
Dr. Yoichiro MatsumotoProfessor, Graduate School of Engineering, and Executive Vice President, the University of Tokyo; Director of the Division for Promoting Biomedical Innovation at the Cabinet Secretariat
Mariko MimuraDirector and General Counsel of Novartis (lawyer)
10:50-11:00 --Q&A--
Chiaki Sato

Project Assistant Prof, Ph D., UTokyo PolicyAlternatives Research Institute (PARI), the University of Tokyo