【新NEDO社会連携講座(知的資産経営研究講座) | Intellectual Asset-Based Management Research and Education Program】企業の保有する特許や技術ノウハウなどの知的資産が、その企業の競争力や収益につながるためには、競争力の源泉であるクローズ領域と、技術のブローバルな普及のためのオープン領域を適切に切り分けたしっかりした企業戦略が必要です。本講座の活動は、これらの企業の知的資産マネジメントの具体的実践についての研究、及び、新興国等における知財・標準・イノベーションに関する研究を行い、その成果を、東京大学における教育に生かしていくことと同時に、公開講座等を通じて広く社会への普及を図っていくことを目的として行われています。

International Conference on Human Resource Development of Strategic IP Management



Date:December 19, 2014
Venue:Tokyo Marunouchi Conference Square
Organized by:PARI, The University of Tokyo
Supported by:NEDO
Language:English/Japanese Simultaneous Translation is available


13:00-13:10 Greeting from NEDO

13:10-13:40 Report on Strategic Intellectual Asset Management Human Resource Development

Toshiya Watanabe (PARI, The University of Tokyo )

13:40-15:10 Panel Discussion
“Human Resource for Innovation and IP Management for global enterprises”

Moderator: Michi Fukushima, Professor of Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University
Bill Dresselhaus (Invited Professor at Hongik University in Seoul, Korea.)
Jari Vaario (Head of Patent Licensing, APAC at Nokia Technologies)
Kenichi Nagasawa (Director Canon Inc.) pending
Katumi Emura (Senior Vice President, Central Research Laboratories)
Koichi Ogawa (Senior Guest Researcher of PARI, The university of Tokyo)

15:10-15:20 Break

15:20-17:10 Panel Discussion
“How to develop Human Resource for strategic Intellectual Asset Management”

Moderator: Toshiya Watanabe (Professor of PARI, The University of Tokyo)
Haibo LIU (Professor and Senior Fellow, Chinese Academy of Science)
Nguyen Thi Phuong (Deputy Director of National Institute of Patent and Technology Exploitation)
Mayuka Yamasaki (Senior Research Associate Harvard Business School Japan Research Center)
Masaki Okamoto (Deputy Director of World Intellectual Property Organization Japan office)
Kazuyuki Motohashi (Professor of TMI The University of Tokyo) * participation by skype from Stanford University

17:10-17:20 Closing

Ichiro Sakata (Professor of PARI The University of Tokyo)

18:00- Reception