Tokyo Professional Energy Sminar 開催要旨
日時 | 登壇者 | 内容 |
2018/10/25 | Elizabeth Shove | Energy demand and social practices: ideas and implications |
2018/6/29 | Tobias Schmidt | How technological innovation and policy co-evolve- the role of policy-induced exogenous feedbacks in the field of low-carbon energy policy |
2018/5/29 | Gregory F. Nemet | How Solar Energy Became Cheap: A Model for Low-Carbon Innovation |
2018/4/20 | 佐野史典 | シェアリングエコノミー進展シナリオの検討 |
2018/2/20 | 中井美和 | 社会受容性を考慮したエネルギー政策に向けた消費者選好分析と教育への応用 |
2017/12/19 | Scott Burger | Innovation and climate change:the role of innovation and novel mechanisms for spurring investment. |
2017/11/10 | 木村誠一郎 | エネルギー輸出島に向けた長崎・五島での取り組み |