
佐々木 一

佐々木 一 Hajime Sasaki

政策ビジョン研究センター 准教授






H. Sasaki, T. Hara and I. Sakata, Identifying Promising Research Papers Related to Solar Cells Using a Machine Leaning Approach, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp 418 – 429, 2016
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13044/j.sdewes.2016.04.0032

H. Sasaki, Z. Liu and I. Sakata, Academic landscape of hydropower: a citation-analysis based method and its application, International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy,Vol.12, No.1, pp.84 – 102, 2016.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJETP.2016.074493

H. Sasaki, I Sakata, W. Wangjiraniran and S. Phrakonkham, “Appliance Diffusion Model for Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling Evaluation in the Capital of Lao PDR”, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 269 – 281, 2015.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13044/j.sdewes.2015.03.0021

T. Visessonchok, M. Sugiyama, H. Sasaki and I. Sakata, “Detection and Introduction of Emerging Technologies for Green Buildings in Thailand”, International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2016.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJETP.2016.074489

H. Sasaki, K. Yamaguchi, G. Yoshizawa, I. Sakata and H. Shiroyama, “Energy Efficiency Road mapping in Three Future Scenarios for Lao PDR”, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water And Environment Systems, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp 172-186, 2013.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13044/j.sdewes.2013.01.0013

I. Sakata and H. Sasaki, “Bibliometric Analysis of International Collaboration in Wind and Solar Energy”, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water And Environment Systems, Volume 1 Issue 3, pp187-198, 2013.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13044/j.sdewes.2013.01.0014

I. Sakata and H. Sasaki, “Scientific catch-up in Asian countries: a case for solar cell”, Natural Resources, Volume 4, No.1A, pp134-141, 2013
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/nr.2013.41A017

I. Sakata, H. Sasaki, H. Nakamura and Y. Kajikawa, “Maps of International Research Collaboration in Clean Energy”Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 7, pp480-490, 2013

I. Sakata, H. Sasaki, M. Akiyama, Y. Sawatani, N. Shibata and Y. Kajikawa, “Bibliometric analysis of service innovation research: identifying knowledge domain and global network of knowledge”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 80, Issue6, pp1085-1093, 2013.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2012.03.009

I. Sakata, H. Sasaki and Y. Kajikawa, “Identifying Knowledge Structure of Patent and Innovation Research” Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan 8(2)pp 56-67, 2012




C. Fujisue, H. Sasaki, H. Yamano and I. Sakata, Co-word Analysis to Detect Possible Combinations for Composite Materials. Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2018 (PICMET’18), in Honolulu, USA (19-23, Aug., 2018)

C. Fujisue, H. Sasaki, H. Yamano and I. Sakata, Detecting potential composite materials using literature-based discovery of academic papers: meso-level analysis. International Conference for Management of Technology 2018 (IAMOT2018), Birmingham, England, UK (22-26, Aprl., 2018)

H. Sasaki, T Hara and I Sakata, “Prediction of Promising Papers in Nanocarbon Materials- related Research Using a Citation Network”, Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2016 (PICMET’16), in Honolulu, USA (4-8, Sep, 2016)

H Yamano, H. Sasaki and I Sakata, “Detecting Candidate Combination of Organ-Material- Technology in Regenerative Medicine”, Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2016 (PICMET’16), in Honolulu, USA (4-8, Sep, 2016)

H. Sasaki, T Hara, T Sakaki, J Mori and I Sakata, “Identifying Embryonic Researches in Renewable Energy Fields using a Scientometric Approach: Case Study of the Solar Cell Field”, Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2015) in Dubrovnic, Croatia, (27, Sep. – 3, Oct, 2015)

H. Sasaki., I, Sakata., Seino, M., & Hashimoto. (2015, September). Off-grid electrification scenarios for rural electrification in Myanmar, Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2015) in Dubrovnic, Croatia, (27, Sep. – 3, Oct, 2015)

H. Sasaki, I Sakata and Y Kajikawa, “Serendipitous Identification of Fields Derived from Technology Spillovers from Patent Analysis: Case Study of Material Science”, Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2015 (PICMET’15), in Portland (2 – 6, Aug, 2015)

K Hayashima. H Sawamura. Y Matsumoto, H. Sasaki and I Sakata, “Analysis of Scientific Research in Singapore using Bibliometrics and Network Analysis for Understanding Their Characteristics of R&D: A Case Study of Biomedical Field”, The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2014 (IEEM2014), in Malaysia, (9-12, December, 2014).

T. Visessonchok,H. Sasaki, and I. Sakata. (2014, July). Detecting emerging technologies and policies recommendation for energy efficiency improvement in Thailand. In Management of Engineering & Technology (PICMET), 2014 Portland International Conference on (pp. 3572-3579). IEEE.

Z, Liu.,H. Sasaki & I, Sakata. (2014, July). Study on the academic landscape of hydropower: A citation-analysis based method and its application. In Management of Engineering & Technology (PICMET), 2014 Portland International Conference on (pp. 3572-3579). IEEE.

I. Sakata, H. Sasaki, M. Hashimoto and K. Kayukawa, “A parallel running-type growth model in Asia: A case study of clean technology” Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2014 (PICMET’14), in Kanazawa (27-31, July, 2014)

H. Sasaki, K Yamaguchi, W Wangjiraniran, S Phrakonkham and I. Sakata, “Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling Forecasting Model in the Capital of Lao PDR”, Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2013), in Dubrovnic, Croatia, (22-27, July, 2013)

I. Sakata, H. Sasaki, “Scientific Catch-up Process in Asian Countries: A Case Study of Solar Cell”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2012 (IEEM2012) in Hong Kong, (10-13, December, 2012)

H. Sasaki, I. Sakata and Y. Kajikawa, “Scope of Multilayered Network For Regional Cluster Policy in Japan”, The International Society for Professional Innovation Management 2012 (ISPIM2012) in Barcelona (17-20, June, 2012)

H. Sasaki, G. Yoshizawa, H. Shiroyama, I. Sakata and K. Yamaguchi, “Energy Efficiency Road mapping in Three Future Scenarios for Lao PDR”, Sutatainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2012) in Ohrid, (1-7, July, 2012)

H. Sasaki, Y. Kajikawa, I. Sakata and V. Ittipanuvat, “Predicting the Potential Industrial Fields of Technological Spin- offs by Using IPC in Patent Analysis”, Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2012(PICMET2012) in Portland (29,July -3,August, 2012)

H. Sasaki, I. Sakata and Y. Kajikawa “Scope of Multilayered Network for Regional Cluster Policy in Japan The 21th International Conference for Management of Technology” (IAMOT2012), in Hsinchu, Taiwan (18-22, March, 2012)

I. Sakata, H. Sasaki, T. Inoue, “Structure of International Research Collaboration in Wind and Solar Energy”the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2011) in Singapore (6-9 December, 2011)

I. Sakata, H. Sasaki, H. Nakamura and Y. Kajikawa, “Maps of international research collaboration in renewable energy” 6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems(SDEWES2011), in Dubrovnic, Croatia (25-29, September, 2011)

H. Sasaki, Y. Kajikawa and I. Sakata, “Multiple layered Network Structure of Regional Alliances in Japan.-Implication for Regional Cluster Policy-“Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2011 (PICMET’11), in Portland, USA (31, July- 4, August, 2011)

I. Sakata, H. Sasaki, N. Shibata and Y. Kajikawa,”Specifying International Research Network Diagram in Growing Field” Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2011 (PICMET’11), in Portland, USA (31, July- 4, August, 2011)

I. Sakata, H. Sasaki, M. Akiyama, Y. Sawatani and N. Shibata, “Bibliometric analysis of service innovation research” Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2011 (PICMET’11), in Portland, USA (31, July- 4, August, 2011)

I. Sakata, H. Sasaki, K. Fujisue and Y. Yajikawa “Geopolitical structures of international academic collaboration” The 20th International Conference for Management of Technology(IAMOT2011), in Miami, USA (10-14, April, 2011)

I.Sakata, H. Sasaki, Y.Kajikawa, K.Fujisue and A.Morita “Systematic identification of academic knowledge in patent & innovation research,”IEEE International Conference on Management Science and Information Engineering 2010 (ICMSIE2010) in ZhengZhou, China (December 17-19,2010)

H. Sasaki and I.Sakata, “Detecting the valley of international academic collaboration in renewable energy” the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2010), in Macao, (7-10,Dec. , 2010).

H. Nakamura, H. Sasaki, Y. Kajikawa, N. Shibata, I. Sakata, and S. Suzuki “Science and Technology Map Analysis of A Multi-Disciplinary Field -Case Study of Aerospace Engineering-” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2010 (IEEM2010) in Macao, (7-10,December, 2010).

H. Sasaki, I.Sakata, Y.Kajikawa and S.Yamamoto,”The Meta Structure of International Research Alliances in Green Technology”5th International Conference on Project Management (ProMAC2010), in Chiba, Japan, (12-15 Oct, 2010)

H. Sasaki, I.Sakata and Y.Kajikawa,”The Structure of Regional Alliances in Nagano Prefecture -Implication for Regional Cluster Project-“, 5th International Conference on Project Management (ProMAC2010), in Chiba, Japan, (12-15 Oct, 2010)

H. Sasaki, I.Sakata, Y.Kajikawa and H.Tomobe, “Network of International Intellectual Property Rights Research activity; For national IP policy” The 10th Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET2010), in Phuket, Thailand, (18th-22, Jul , 2010)

I.Sakata, H. Sasaki, Y.Kajikawa, M.Hashimoto and A.Morita,”An Academic Landscape of Patent & Innovation Research for Policy Reform” The 5th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT2010)

Hajime Sasaki and I.Sakata,”A Patent Landscape of Distribution Service Innovation” The 19th International Conference for Management of Technology (IAMOT2010)


佐々木一、梶川裕矢、坂田一郎「次世代電池に関わる国際的な共同研究の構造」情報知識学会 第18回年次大会(2010)


佐々木一、坂田一郎「公開特許からみたサービスイノベーションと人的能力」しごと能力研究学会 第2回全国大会(2009)


佐々木一、坂田一郎、梶川裕矢、森田朗「特許とイノベーションに関する学術研究の潮流-学術俯瞰マップからの示唆」、2009.6、東京大学・京都大学合同国際シンポジウム2009:イノベーションにおける競争と協調- 次世代の特許制度を考える-


H. Sasaki, Y. Kajikawa, and I. Sakata, “Detecting knowledge transitions between science and technology for forecasting growing fields.” The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Annual Meeting 2014 (INFORMS 2014) in San Francisco, USA (09-12, Dec., 2014).


入江政行、佐々木一、坂田一郎, Yelpレビュー情報における潜在的トピックを用いた類似・競合店舗の特定 Identifying Resembling and Competing Restaurants by Comparing Latent Topics in Yelp Reviews, 電子情報通信学会「言語理解とコミュニケーション(NLC)」情報処理学会「知能システム(ICS)」合同研究会, 北海道大学(2018年7月5日-7日).




特願2016-062744 : 萌芽論文予測システム. 坂田一郎、森純一郎、佐々木一、原忠義


分担執筆(2016). 佐々木一. 5 ~10 年先の市場を獲得するための“未来予測”による研究開発テーマの決め方. 第1章第2節 機械学習・人工知能による科学技術動向の予測. 技術情報協会

スティーブ・マントン(著)、 屋代菜海(翻訳)、 佐々木一(翻訳)、「統合化された知的資産マネジメント―組織の知的資産を活用、保護するためのガイドブック」2007、発明協会

分担執筆(2006). 佐々木一. 中国知的財産権白書(2006-2007). サーチナ中国白書


佐々木一、永井歩、 森純一郎、山本覚. 知財データ、知財情報のサイエンス. 日本知財学会第13回年次学術研究発表会企画セッション 2015年12月6日 日本知財学会

佐々木一, (2015). データ分析でよく使う前処理の整理と対処. ARG 第7回Webインテリジェンスとインタラクション研究会 企画セッション2「不揃いなデータ達の分析を行う前のTips」 2015年11月28日 ARG WI2研究会 (ARG SIG-WI2)

実践リサーチ手法(第6回、第7回). 2015年11月4日. 事業構想大学院大学

技術経営情報分析(第7回). 2014年6月7日. 東京工業大学大学院イノベーション・マネジメント研究科

梶川裕矢、佐々木一、榊剛士. データサイエンス基礎講座2014年 秋. 2014年10月18日 株式会社インプレスビジネスメディア

梶川裕矢、佐々木一、榊剛士. データサイエンス基礎講座. 2014年4月9日. 株式会社インプレスビジネスメディア



Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), “Energy Efficiency Roadmap Formulation in East Asia for ERIA Research Project on Improving Electricity Access in Myanmar: A Bottom-up Perspective” (2015.6)

Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), “Energy Efficiency Roadmap Formulation in East Asia for ERIA Research Project on Improving Electricity Access in Myanmar: A Bottom-up Perspective” (2014.6)

板橋区産業振興公社, “区内工学・精密産業の現状および今後の支援のあり方に関する調査分析” (2014. 3)

Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), “Energy Efficiency Roadmap Formulation in East Asia for ERIA Research Project on Improving Energy Access in Myanmar” (2013. 6)

Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), “Energy Efficiency Roadmap Formulation in East Asia for ERIA Research Project on Analysis of Energy Saving Potential in Lao PDR”(2012.6)

全国イノベーション推進機関ネットワーク:平成22年度 地域新成長産業創出促進事業(イノベーション創出基盤強化事業)における中小企業の産産連携を支援するための連携先検索システムの開発(2011.3)

内閣府 経済社会総合研究所:佐々木一、坂田一郎「Landscape analysis of Heath care service sector,ヘルスケアサービスの俯瞰分析」内閣府サービス・イノベーション政策に関する国際共同研究-、2011.2、俯瞰工学に関する研究グループ

財団法人 飯伊地域地場産業振興センター:平成22年度 三遠南信連携推進事業(2010)

内閣府 経済社会総合研究所:佐々木一「サービス・イノベーション学術研究に関する世界共同研究ネットワークの可視化」内閣府サービス・イノベーション政策に関する国際共同研究-、2009.12、俯瞰工学に関する研究グループ

内閣府 経済社会総合研究所:佐々木一「流通サービスイノベーションにおける技術俯瞰」内閣府サービス・イノベーション政策に関する国際共同研究-,2009.9,俯瞰工学に関する研究グループ

独立行政法人 中小企業基盤整備機構:平成21年度 地域中小企業イノベーション政策に関する研究(2009)






The 2nd-prize in Tokyo local award and The Honorable Mention for Galactic
Impact in global award, International Space Apps Challenge 2013 (Space Hackathon led
by NASA),
“Cloudless Spots for Solar Power Generation (a.k.a. Where to Put Solar
Panels?)”, Project page